Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bags and Boxes

Not everything is good that starts with the letter B.

Just like the rest of life, some B items result in unpleasant work and frustration.

Last weekend the living room of our cozy (and by cozy I mean small) cabin was filled with bags and boxes containing most of the stuff from our Buffalo apartment. Premier Wines would only let us take boxes 2 at at time so I kept emptying them and taking them back to refill.

By the end of Memorial Day Weekend, it was down to this and I took a picture of the last few.

And just when I thought I was done sorting it out to either (1) put up in the loft to take to DC in August or (2) to find space for here or (3) to donate to friends or deserving parties, I brought the last of the stuff and had the room looking like this - though nothing compared to last week.

Happy ending and no more boxes or bags - at least at ground level.

Take a look in the loft for another story:

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Monday, May 25, 2009


Catching up on lost posts. Bluebells coming less than 24 after Brooklyn. This one will be brief.

Some years ago, my younger son (WOBYS) and I came out here to plant Fall bulbs. I think he was around 8 years old - and is now 21. The tulips never did much but the Spanish Bluebells from White Flower Farm are thriving and still proliferating in a wooded area that I walk though several times a day.

Every time I see these lovely flowers I think of the grey chilly day that we planted the bulbs not knowing how or if they would come up and of the man that has grown from that little boy who helped. And I enjoy them for their own sakes as well.

Maybe I'll plant some more this fall.

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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Brooklyn, a bookstore and a birthday

Spent a few days last week with my awesome Brooklyn cousins: Susie, Bernardo, Lizzie and Julia who live in a very cool brownstone in Park Slope . Sue was my little cousin and I used to babysit for her years ago. My intention was to be with her while she finished up her last chemo treatment. Turned out she couldn't have the chemo while I was there so instead I got to spend time with her getting to know her as an adult. And a little of Brooklyn.

In Mid-Town Thursday Sue and I had tapas for lunch at La Fonda del Sol. When I was in high school a restaurant by that name was a favorite site for Sweet 16 parties. Don't know if this is the same place but just the name ignited memories.

WOBs loves the diversity and liveliness of Park Slope. It's home-y and exciting at the same time. As someone not used to 7th Avenue, I had trouble keeping my eyes on where I was going, instead of swiveling my head at every window. It swiveled when Sue took me to Stitch Therapy and kept swiveling in Union Market where we bought uncured hot dogs for dinner.

Wish I had taken a pic of the rhododendron opening its head in front of Sue's front stoop. It's actually her neighbor's but due to its location she gets to follow its progress daily.

Friday Sue introduced me to another Brooklyn neighborhood: Williamsburg. We had breakfast for lunch at Egg, inserted into a former garage space and oh so tasty! Then we walked to the water where construction seems unabated on huge condominium developments. Is the area overbuilt? Time will tell.

Got to drag Roxy the Maltese on a walk to the cleaners and after getting her home - and giving her way too many treats - I wandered to Starbucks and the Community Book Store which is just the perfect size and layout.

Julia, 13, made homemade Roti as part of dinner. Very delicious and impressive!

On Saturday I subwayed to Manhattan to spend a wonderful day with my Aunt Rachel (Sue's mother); like two adults we walked around Chelsea Market and Himalayan art at the Rubin Museum of Art. I think it was the first time she and I have spent time alone since she took me to get my hair done for the Prom.

Back to Western New York on Sunday morning for Mr. WOBs' birthday. Here's what I gave him

You can find more art that celebrates the "miracle of the mundane" on Anne Elizabeth Schlegel's website. And you can subscribe to her blog and see a new one everyday.


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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

On Budget

Wow - no posts for 2 weeks. Guess that's due to all the moving that is still taking place in the world of Bs. And perhaps some lack of self-discipline.

This Budget truck moved all the Big Stuff from Buffalo to the cabin, even turning around on the trail so it could travel on to DC with stuff that took up permanent residence there.

Since then WOBs has been bringing a carload a day from Buffalo to the cabin. It looks like tomorrow will be the last one.

Even so the Bs have been active - I just finished reading America, America by Ethan Canin which I read on recommendation from a very good reader friend. And I recommend it to anyone who likes meaty fiction that includes coming of age, political scandal, family saga and secrets - in a good story, with good characters who make you think about what it means to be a person.

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Tuesday, May 05, 2009

B is for Buffalo

Sad to leave DC this morning from BWI - happy to be returning to Buffalo.

When I started MAD in the District this past December I had no idea how much I would enjoy doing it. Several years ago I realized that most of my favorite things and activities involved or began with the letter B. Or could be creatively forced into Bs. I named a blog World of Bs then never did anything with it.

Now it's time- until mid-August I will be writing here about Books, Baseball, Baking, Basketball, Babies, Blogging, Buffalo and Balls of yarn (see?) And anything else I enjoy - you name it - so long as it can be given a B name.

Come back and visit - and bring some B suggestions, please.

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